The God Who Is Good

Psalm 34

Big Idea: The Goodness Of God Offers Satisfaction And Salvation In A World Full Of Great Affliction

Our Invitation To Experience True Satisfaction (Psalm 34):

1) The Lord is great: exalt Him (v. 1-3)

2) The Lord is good: taste Him (v. 4-8)

3) The Lord is God: fear Him (v. 9-16)

5 ingredients for living reverently and righteously (v. 13-15)
1) Keep your tongue from evil (v. 13)
2) Keep your lips from speaking deceit (v. 13)
3) Turn away from evil (v. 14)
4) Do good (v. 14)
5) Seek peace and pursue it (v. 15)

4) The Lord is our deliverer: cry out to Him (v. 17-22)

How to rest in God’s goodness in the middle of brokenness
1) Cry out to the Lord (v. 17-20)

“But when they came to Jesus and saw that He was already dead, they did not break His legs. But one of the soldiers pierced his side with a spear, and at once there came out blood and water .... For these things took place that the Scripture might be fulfilled: ‘Not one of his bones will be broken.’”
– John 19:33-34; 36

2) Trust fully in the Lord (v. 21-22)