A time to reflect on the greatest act of love… Jesus paid it all and gave His all through His sacrifice on the cross of Calvary to pay the price for your salvation. Oh what a Savior! Join us on Friday, April 18th at 6:30pm here at the church for this special service as we remember the death and burial of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Child care will be available for children ages 5 and under.



Celebrate the greatest day in human history with friends new and old! Your price is paid. Your sin debt is covered. The cross has spoken. Jesus is alive! Death is defeated. Love has won. From captive to free. From mourning to dancing. Jesus gives us victory.

Come experience hope for all eternity!

Join us in person or online on Easter Sunday, April 20th, for our service at 10am. Invite your friends and your whole family to come with you and celebrate Easter at Harvest with passionate worship, bold preaching, a loving community, a photo booth, continental brunch, and much more! 

Hope is alive because Jesus is alive!



We believe firmly in the power of unceasing prayer at Harvest. When we pray, God hears, God moves, God acts, and things change.

As we approach Easter, we are having 24 hours of prayer as a church beginning on the evening of Good Friday as we prepare our hearts for Easter. We are asking God to change lives, transform families, and impact communities through the power of the Gospel, and we want you to be a part of this vitally important time. You will be sent a prayer guide to help guide you through your prayer time. You can sign up for as many slots as you would like.

Nothing is more important than prayer. You can sign up for hour prayer slots at the link below and you can pray from your home or wherever is best for you. We are trusting in our great God to glorify Himself this Easter season through all that takes place at Harvest. Please join us and sign up for a time to pray fervently to our faithful God!



We are excited to once again have an Easter Choir this year! Friends of all levels of musical abilities are welcome to join us as we lead our worship service on Easter Sunday, April 20th and celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! Rehearsals will be after the morning worship service on Sunday, April 6th and 13th upstairs in the Conference Room. Please click the link below for more details and to sign up, and see our Worship Director, Nate Pyne or email him at if you have any questions.

come worship with us!

Harvest Bible Chapel Annapolis

585 Old Oak Road

Severn, MD 21144