An Unstoppable Gospel For Uncertain Times


Colossians 4:2-6

Big Idea: In the uncertainty of life, I hope in the unstoppable Gospel

Through the Gospel:

1) I fervently pray with hope (v. 2-3)

3 parts of a fervent prayer:
1) Perseverance
2) Passion
3) Position

2) I courageously witness with hope (v. 3-4)

How to be a courageous witness for God:
1) Pray & look for open doors around you to share Christ
2) Faithfully walk through the doors God opens for you to share Christ

3) I faithfully walk with hope (v. 5-6)

Faithful witness self-exam:
1) Am I walking in wisdom towards outsiders? (v. 5)
2) Am I making the best use of my time? (v. 5)
3) Is my speech always gracious? (v. 6)
4) Is my speech always seasoned with salt? (v. 6)
5) Am I prepared to give a reason for the hope that I have? (v. 6)