Raising Kids Right

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Colossians 3:20-21

Big Idea: Parental authority is not the right to discourage but is the responsibility to disciple

Through God’s grace:

1. Children obey willingly (v. 20)

Why children should obey their parents:
1) Because it pleases God (v. 20)
2) Because it is right (Ephesians 6:1)
3) Because it is best for you (Ephesians 6:2)

2. Parents disciple faithfully (v. 21)

Why parents often provoke their children:
1) Goodness instead of holiness
2) Discouraging instead of encouraging
3) Guilt instead of grace
4) Anger instead of patience
5) Absence instead of involvement
6) Conditional affection instead of unconditional love
7) Controlling instead of training