Raising Kids Right — Harvest

Raising Kids Right

Raising Kids Right
Pastor Dan Hammer

1 Samuel 2:12-3:21

“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.”
- Proverbs 22:6

Big Idea: Raising Kids The Right Way Means Discipling Kids God’s Way

Keys To Raising Kids Right:

1) Deal With Sin Directly (2:12-17; 22-36)

Heart Check Up:
1) Who am I truly glorifying? (v. 29)
2) Am I giving to God what is God’s? (v. 16-17, 29)
3) Whose voice am I actually listening to the most? (v. 22)

2) Model Walking With God Personally (v. 2:18-21)

3) Disciple Them To Follow God Faithfully (3:1-21)

Disciple-making means entering into relationships intentionally to help people put their faith in Christ fully, grow in Christ continually, follow Christ obediently, and live on mission for Christ faithfully

Following God Faithfully:
1) Hear God Correctly (v. 3-9)
2) Listen To God Reverently (v. 9-14)
3) Trust God Personally (v. 10)
4) Obey God’s Word Completely (v. 10-18)
5) Speak God’s Word Lovingly (v. 15-18)