Have The Funeral


Colossians 3:5-11

Big idea: Exalting Christ with my life means mortifying sin in my life

I mortify sin by:

1. Putting to death what is earthly in me (v. 5-8)
a. Recognize my reality while remembering Christ’s victory (Colossians 3:5; Romans 6:6)
b. Make no provision for sin while embracing God’s power over sin (Romans 8:13; Romans 13:14)
c. Run don’t walk while removing the root (2 Timothy 2:22; Matthew 15:18)
d. Repent to God while refocusing on God (Psalm 51; Philippians 4:8)

2. Renewing my mind on who Christ is to me (v. 9-11)

My Heart Renovation:
a. Renewing my mind through the truth of God’s Word
b. Refocusing my affections on the goodness of God’s character
c. Realigning my will to prioritize obeying God’s will
d. Resting in the sufficiency of God’s faithfulness