Ephesians 4:11-16
Big idea: As I choose to fully anchor in the love of Christ, I am able to become fully mature in Christ and am fully empowered to live on mission for Christ
10 Marks of Spiritual Maturity
1. I pursue complete Christ-likeness passionately (v. 12-13)
2. I follow, obey, and imitate Christ devotedly (v. 12-13)
3. I faithfully teach others to follow Christ locally and globally (v. 13)
4. I pursue unity continually (v. 13)
5. I work for Christ to build God’s church joyfully and generously (v. 11, 16)
6. I steadfastly maintain sound doctrinal integrity (v. 14)
7. I find my identity in Christ completely (v. 14)
8. I speak God’s truth lovingly (v. 15)
9. I faithfully contribute to my Biblical community (v. 15-16)
10. I love others unconditionally (v. 16)