Committed To Carrying My Cross


Mark 15:1-22

Big idea: Carrying my cross means I daily die to myself and faithfully live for my Savior

How I carry my cross daily:

1) I don’t run from the moment because I embrace the mission (v. 1-22)

Fully embracing the mission means I embrace:
a. The critics
b. The truth
c. The sacrifice
d. The impact and opportunity
e. The moment

2) I lay down my fleshly life because I choose a faithful life (v. 1-22)

I lay down I pick up
My priorities God’s priorities
Pride Humility
Self-dependency Savior dependency
Bitterness Belief
Fear Faith
My plans God’s plans
Earthly prestige Eternal impact
Victim mentality Victor mentality

What am I holding onto that is keeping me from following God completely, knowing God more intimately and living fully on mission?